An ordinary visit to a bank turns into an adventure. (this is another story I just can't believe I wrote -- UGH!)
Are our guys really insensitive enough to forget Mac's birthday?
Don't let the title scare you. This is just a little bit of silliness -- doesn't even deserve a synopsis.
One of the team is injured and another feels guilty.
This is a response to my 'give the character(s) your own injury(ies) challenge on the Gabe's Adventures Yahoo list.
Everyone must deal with Gabe's death. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE WARNINGS!!
This is a response to my birthday challenge. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VEGA (7/31) AND LITTLE WING (8/3)!!!
The Family Series
A series of 3 stories that explores the family background of the characters. All three stories have a common thread but can be read independently.